In the long term, we plan on homeschooling our children. With baby #3 arriving in the next few weeks though, we’ve decided to enroll our 5 year old son Zane in Kindergarten for at least this first semester. We think the routine and structure will be good for him (not to mention the fun he’ll have!) and it will give me a chance to focus my energy on the baby and our 2.5 year old daughter, Ellyson. So – that means that for the first time ever, we are full swing into all the “Back to School” business!! We’ve already gotten all the required school supplies. We’re turning in enrollment paperwork Wednesday. The Spiderman backpack and Transformers lunchbox are ready to go. Next priority on the list? Lining up the best essential oils to set the kiddo up for success on his first day, and every day of school this year!
Thieves, Clarity & Valor
This is the trio we are planning on using for Zane each day: Thieves – All those kids….all those germs…..Thieves to the rescue!!! Thieves is great at both preventing illness by boosting immunity, and killing off germs. (We’ll also arm him with some Thieves Hand Purifier…much safer than alcohol-based sanitizers). Thieves is our number one go-to anytime we get the sniffles, a sore throat, that tell-tale cough. Clarity – We got this oil originally because when Zane gets super excited, he falls into a form of stammering/stuttering – where it takes him awhile to get his thoughts out. It’s known to promote a clear mind and alertness – perfect for school days!! It contains peppermint and rosemary, which have been used for many years to promote mental sharpness. A study performed by Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati found that inhaling peppermint oil increased the mental accuracy of students by 28 percent. Clarity can also be used to help restore mental alertness or wakefulness when you are experiencing fatigue or drowsiness. Another great thing for a 5 year old kid who is not used to an 8am – 3pm schedule!! Valor – This is one of my favorites – I use it for courage & confidence for our whole family. It’s an empowering combination of oils that works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem in the face of adversity. Sound like the first day of school anyone?!
We will apply the oils two ways:
1) Topically – Thieves – spine & bottoms of feet; Clarity to big toes, and at base of neck; Valor – big toes & spine 2) Aromatically – Diffuser jewelry – still debating between a wrist cuff or a necklace! Zane will determine what he wants to wear. I really like the look of this simple leather bracelet. However, we will probably wind up making our own, since the kids are crazy about craft projects. Here’s a simple guide to DIY diffuser pendants. Either way, you just drop your essential oil of choice on the piece of jewelry, and your child can smell it throughout the day to enjoy the benefits! Throughout the year, we’ll also be incorporating the oils from the rest of the Premium Starter Kit, along with a few other awesome staples. Here’s a super easy graphic to explain how each essential oil can contribute to a successful school experience for all of us! Homeschoolers! You actually have an wider range of options for using essential oils with your kiddos! You can run the diffuser during class times and apply various oils as needed throughout the day – so awesome, since we know that kids needs change daily – you’ll be able to adapt and adjust easily! Check out this post about homeschooling & oils.
Want even MORE oily back to school information? 1) Check out 10 Tips for a Successful School Year. 2) Last but not least – Make sure you check out this FREE online class taught by two of my friends for more tips on how to help your children be healthy and well supported as they begin another school year this Fall! !
Ready to get started? Click here to find out how to get these awesome oils! Do you have any specific issues you’re facing that aren’t addressed here? I can point you to resources to research an oily solution!
Already using Young Living Essential Oils? Leave a comment and let me know how you’re planning on incorporating them into your school routine. I love learning from others’ successes!
*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am an independent distributor with Young Living, not a medical professional. My uses of essential oils only apply to Young Living Essential Oils.
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