This is a ridiculously good video (see link below). If you want insight into what has made some of the most successful men & women of the century “world-class” in their fields – set aside 90 minutes to watch this video. It’s chock full of solid, immediately applicable advice. No matter where you are in your life or what step you’re at in achieving your goals – this will apply.
Productivity Strategies of Superacheivers
It’s actually SO full of actionable information, I highly suggest watching it in separate sections. Because the first 15 minutes are just as phenomenal as the middle 30, and the last 10. You won’t want to miss out on any of it! I promise you…this is worth skipping 90 minutes of TV or Facebook.
After you’ve watched all (or even a portion) of this, come back and tell me what part impacted you the most, and what you’re immediately going to apply in your own life!
I just went to watch the video, and it says that it’s unavailable. I found another one, but I’m not sure that it’s the same one you’re referring to. Would you be willing to update the link? It sounds like it’s a great one to watch!