I believe that God has given everyone a distinct and wonderful purpose in this world, something to accomplish for His glory and for His kingdom. To accomplish this purpose however, I also believe people need to be and feel well – physically, emotionally, and financially. When someone is unhealthy or unbalanced in these areas, it makes it extremely hard (not impossible!) but difficult for them to focus on the purpose God has set before them. They are so distracted by either not feeling well or just maintaining survival mode, that they are unable to attend to their higher calling.
I’ve long felt that the enemy knows this too. The enemy knows that if he can distract enough people with ill health and stressful financial situations, he can distract them long enough from ever fulfilling that purpose.
I’ve often felt that part of MY particular purpose is helping, leading, and teaching people how to get back to a place of physical and emotional health, and financial well-being. I never quite understood how I was supposed to do that, and then God brought two things into my life. He called me to do this blog, and he brought me to Young Living Essential Oils.
One of Young Living’s mottoes is “Wellness. Purpose. Abundance.” That has resonated significantly with me. I truly believe that Young Living is a part of my life so that I can help bring those three components to others. Wellness – without a doubt, these oils help to bring physical and emotional healing. Purpose – once healing starts taking place, people are free to discover and focus on their God-given purpose. Abundance – For me, abundance isn’t just about money. It’s about health, family, time – living the life Jesus mentions in John 10:10 – “I come that they may have life, and they may have it more abundantly.”
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